BusinessApril 12, 2023

How to approach angel investors in 2023

The wings your startup needs to take flight – tips for approaching angel investors.


Entrepreneurs often find themselves at a crossroads, wondering whether to rely on personal savings and bootstrap their business or seek financial backing from angel investors. The challenge lies in scaling the business without adequate cash flow. The question then arises, how can one raise sufficient capital to kickstart their small business?

Secure funding from angel investors can be a game-changer for your startup in 2023. However, for good progress & success, it’s crucial to approach these investors with a well-crafted pitch that hits all the right notes. 

Approaching angel investors can be an effective way to secure funding for your startup or business venture. However, it is important to approach them correctly, with a well-prepared pitch and an understanding of what they are looking for in a potential investment opportunity. In this article, we will explore the steps you can take to approach angel investors in 2023 and increase your chances of securing funding.


  • Identify the right angel investors

    The first step in approaching angel investors is identifying the right ones for your business. Angel investors typically invest in businesses that are in their area of interest, so it is important to research and identify the investors who are most likely to be interested in your industry or sector. Eventually, several online platforms and databases can help you identify potential investors, such as AngelList, Gust, and Crunchbase.


“Angel investors are waiting to help turn your startup dreams into a reality.”
– Reach Techfortune, Venture Capital for effective progress.



  • Prepare a compelling pitch

    Once you have identified potential investors, the next step is to prepare a compelling pitch that will capture their attention and interest. Your pitch must include 

    1. A clear description of your business
    2. Its market opportunity
    3. Plans for growth and development.

    It should also include financial projections and information related to your team and their experience & qualifications.


  • Build relationships

Before approaching angel investors, it can be helpful to build relationships with them and get to know them personally. Attend network events, conferences, and other industry events where you can meet potential investors and build/boost-up relationships. You can also use social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with investors and start conversations.


  • Be prepared to negotiate

When approaching angel investors, it is important to be prepared to negotiate the terms of the investment. This may include the following

  1. The amount of funding you are seeking
  2. The equity stake you are willing to offer
  3. The conditions of the investment. 

It would be best if you had a clear understanding of your financial needs and the terms that you are willing to accept, but also be flexible and willing to negotiate to secure the investment.


  • Be transparent

Angel investors are looking for businesses that are transparent & honest about their operations and financial performance. Be prepared to provide detailed information about your business, including financial statements, market research, and other data to help investors understand your business and its potential. Transparency and honesty are critical in building trust with potential investors and securing their support.


  • Validate your market

Angel investors need to see that you have validated your market and have evidence of a mandate for your service. This could include customer surveys, market research, and sales data. You should also be able to explain how you plan to scale your business and capture a larger share of the market over time.


  • Validate traction

Investors need to look-up that you have already achieved some level of success with your business, such as generating revenue or acquiring customers. Simultaneously, it demonstrates that your business model is viable and that you could execute your plan. You should also show that you have a clear path to profitability.


  • Have a clear financial plan

Investors want to see a clear financial plan that shows how you plan to use their investment to grow your business. This should include detailed financial projections, including revenue, expenses, and cash flow. You should also explain how you plan to use the funding to achieve specific milestones and grow your business.


  • Be realistic about valuation

While you may have a high valuation in mind, it’s important to be realistic about your company’s worth. Overvaluing your company can turn off investors and make it difficult to raise funds. It would help if you worked with a financial advisor to determine a fair valuation based on market trends and your company’s financial performance.


  • Have a strong network

Building relationships with investors takes time, so having a strong network is important. For a better vision, it may include industry contacts, mentors, advisors, and other entrepreneurs who can introduce you to potential investors. You should also be active in local entrepreneurial communities and attend networking events to meet investors.


  • Follow up

After you have pitched your business to angel investors, following up with them and keeping them informed about your progress is important. Send regular updates on your business performance, including financial reports and key milestones that you have achieved. It demonstrates your commitment to the business and willingness to work with investors to achieve your goals.


“Join the ranks of successful startups by mastering the art of approaching angel investors.
Let Techfortune Venture Capital be your guide and take the first step towards securing funding today!”


Looking to take your startup to new heights? At Techfortune Venture Capital, a well-crafted pitch is key to securing funding from angel investors. To make your startup stand out, focus on building a strong team, identifying a unique market opportunity, and showcasing your growth potential. Make sure to have a clear and compelling elevator pitch, backed up with data and a solid business plan.

Feel free to seek mentorship and advice from experienced entrepreneurs and investors. With the right approach, angel investors can help take your business to new heights. Contact Techfortune Venture Capital today to learn more about how we can support your startup’s growth.




Q: How much should I ask for when approaching angel investors?

A: Funding should be based on your business’s needs and growth plans. However, having a realistic funding task and being prepared to negotiate is important.

Q: How do I find potential angel investors to approach?

A: You can find potential angel investors through networking, attending startup events, and online angel investor networks. Doing your research to ensure the investors align with your business goals and values is important.

Q: What should I include in my pitch to angel investors?

A: Your pitch should include a clear problem statement, your solution, your business model, target market, financial projections, and team qualifications. Additionally, be prepared to answer any questions investors may have about your business.

Q: How can I stand out to angel investors?

A: To stand out to angel investors, you should have a unique and innovative business idea, a solid business plan, and a passionate and capable team. Additionally, having a track record of success or industry experience can help differentiate you from other startups.
