Privacy Policy Introduction

Techfortune VC, (“Company”) values Your privacy and is committed to ensuring that You are aware of how Your information is being used.

In the course of Your use or access of the Website (, the Company may collect different categories of information from You. This policy endeavours to inform You of the types of information that may be collected, and the manner in which such information is collected, used, processed, disclosed and maintained. This policy must be read in conjunction with the Terms of Use of the Website. Capitalised terms not defined herein shall have the same meaning as those ascribed to them in the Terms of Use.

Please read and understand the policy carefully. Your use or access of the Website, shall constitute Your agreement to this Privacy Policy. If You do not agree with our policies and our practices as described in this policy, Your choice is to not use the Website.


Applicability of the policy

This policy shall apply to all information the Company collects on the Website, including but not limited to (a) any personal or personal sensitive information (as defined by applicable laws of India) that You may submit or may be required to submit at the time of registration, application to any of the listed programs and any continued use of the Website (b) Your email address, phone number, physical address, (c) any information You upload, emails that You exchange with the Company, or any information submitted by You to the Company (e) any pictures, images, videos or other material that you upload.

This policy does not apply to, nor does the Company take any responsibility for, any information that is collected by any third party either using the Website or through any links on the Website or through any of the advertisements or through BOTS.

Manner Of Collection Of Information:

In the use of the Website, as You navigate through the Website, the Company may collect different types of information. As detailed in the previous section of this policy, this may include User Information (as defined in the Terms of Use), information that is personally identifiable, other information which may not be personally identifiable, information on the usage patterns of any user including You, searches that You have done on the Website, advertisements or third party links that You have visited, any emails or other correspondence You have exchanged on the Website or with the Company.

You understand that the information collected by the Company, may be collected directly through user input or through automatic tracking of Your usage of the Website. These usage details may include IP addresses, details of Your computer equipment, browser, location, connections, or any information that the Company may collect through the use of cookies and other tracking technologies. The collection of data may in most cases be automatic.

“Cookies” are files that would be placed in Your system’s hard drive and browser and are intended to improve Your User experience, by enabling the Company to track Your usage and preference. These cookies may track Your Website usage, advertisement and links that You visit and other User data. Most cookies the Company uses are limited to a session, which mean they will be automatically deleted when Your session closes. You may decline these cookies by changing Your browser settings, if permitted, however do note that this may impact certain features of the Website or Your User experience in using the Website.

Note: Advertisements on the Website may be posted by third-party advertisers, and such third parties may use cookies and other automatic tracking technologies to collect information about You, including but not limited to web behavioural information and patterns. The Company does not control nor takes any responsibility for such third parties, their collection and use of information or their tracking technologies or how they may be used.

You also may provide information to be published or displayed or posted on the Website, or transmitted to other users of the Website or third parties. Any such information is posted or transmitted to others at your own risk. Please be aware that the Company cannot control the actions of other users of the Website with whom you may choose to share information with and shall not in any way be held liable for any breach by such third parties.

Use of Your Information

The information that we collect on the Website will be used for the purposes of evaluating the applications and other submissions made through the Website (including by third party evaluators), operating the Website, facilitating Your Use of the Website, enabling the functionalities of the Website, analytical purposes including but not limited to email and chat facilities.

Except as otherwise provided herein, no personally identifiable information will be disclosed or shared with any third party without Your express consent. For the purposes of this policy, personally identifiable information shall mean name, age, gender, telephone numbers, location data, email addresses and the like.

Please do not include any personal information, personally identifiable information or sensitive personal information unless specifically requested by the Company as part of the registration, program application process or other applicable processes. If the Company determines that any information You have provided or uploaded violates the terms of this Privacy Policy, the Company has the right, in its absolute discretion, to delete or destroy such information without incurring any liability to You.

The Company will not publish, sell or rent Your personal information to third parties for their marketing purposes without Your explicit consent.

You agree that we may use Your personal information to contact You and deliver information, targeted advertisements, administrative notices and any other communication relevant to Your use of the Website.

Disclosure of Your information:

The User Information You provide on the Website may be disclosed by the Company to its agents, employees, third party advertisers, subsidiaries and affiliates, or to other third party service providers of the Company who require the information for the purposes of the operations of the Company or for operating and maintaining the Website.

The Company will comply with requests and directions of all governmental, law enforcement, or regulatory authorities, which it believes in good faith to be in accordance with any applicable law. Such compliance may include providing User Information, personally identifiable information or any other information available to such agency or authority. By providing any information on the Website, You consent to the Company providing such information to any governmental, law enforcement or regulatory authorities who exercise jurisdiction over the Website and the Company, on a need-to-know basis.

Data Security

The information that You provide, subject to disclosure in accordance with the Company’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, shall be maintained in a safe and secure manner. The Company’s databases and information are stored on secure servers with appropriate firewalls.

As a User of the Website, You have the responsibility to ensure data security. You should use the Website in a responsible manner. Do not share Your username or password with any person. You are solely responsible for all acts done under the username You are registered under.

Given the nature of internet transactions, the Company does not take any responsibility for the transmission of information including User Information to the Website. Any transmission of User Information on the internet is done at Your risk. The Company does not take any responsibility for You or any third party circumventing the privacy settings or security measures contained on the Website.

While the Company will use all reasonable efforts to ensure that Your User Information and other information submitted by You is safe and secure, it offers no representation, warranties or other assurances that the security measures are adequate, safe, fool proof or impenetrable.

Accessing and Updating Your Information

You can change, alter of otherwise modify or update Your User Information at any time by accessing the Website using Your registered username and accessing Your User account.

You may also change and/or delete any of the information You have submitted. Do note however, the Company reserves the rights to save any usage information and You are not entitled to seek the deletion of the same.

The Company at its sole discretion may permit or deny the change of any information, if it is believes the same is required to observe applicable laws.

Age restrictions

The Website is only intended for Users who are of 18 years of age or older. If You are not of the requisite age You are not to provide any User Information or other information. If it comes to the Company’s attention that any User Information or information pertains to an individual under the age of 18 years, such User Information or information will be deleted without notice to You.

Amendments to the Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy is subject to change at the Company’s sole discretion. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be notified by a notice on the home page.


If you wish to place a complaint with regard to privacy requirements or laws, access any of your Information that we hold or would like to correct any errors in your User Information, please contact our Grievance Redressal Officer at so that we can consider and respond to your request. All requests will be addressed no later than thirty (30) days from the date such a request is made.

Terms of Use

This Privacy policy shall form a part of the Terms of Use.